Missouri Standard Residential Lease Agreement

A Missouri standard residential lease agreement is a one-year real estate document that outlines all of the crucial information for renting a property. The paperwork that must be signed for by both the tenant and landlord involves the names, contact information, addresses, due dates, and more important information. The rules and conditions of the lease must be adhered to so as not to breach the contract.

Last updated May 10th, 2024

A Missouri standard residential lease agreement is a one-year real estate document that outlines all of the crucial information for renting a property. The paperwork that must be signed for by both the tenant and landlord involves the names, contact information, addresses, due dates, and more important information. The rules and conditions of the lease must be adhered to so as not to breach the contract.

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Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – If a landlord rents a building built before 1978, they must provide a lead paint disclosure. (EPA/HUD Fact Sheet)

Landlord Identification – All property managers and owners must disclose their name and address to the tenants. (§ 535.185)

Methamphetamine Production – If methamphetamine has ever been produced on the property, then it must be disclosed to the tenant. (§ 441.236)

Rent Grace Period

There is no rent grace period mentioned in Missouri law. Payment must be made on the date agreed upon in the lease agreement.

Security Deposit

Maximum Amount – Two months’ rent is the maximum amount a landlord may charge for a security deposit. § 535.300(1)

Returning – The security deposit must be returned to the renter within 30 days of the lease end. (§ 535.300(3))

  • Deductions – If the security deposit is deducted, a list of damages must be provided to the tenant within 30 days. (§ 535.300(3)