Ohio LLC Operating Agreement

An Ohio LLC operating agreement promotes company stability, escpecially when conducting business, and enforces owner, manager, and member expectations. Since oral agreements are subject to unlicensed change over time, many suggest a written contract.

Last updated January 28th, 2025

An Ohio LLC operating agreement promotes company stability, escpecially when conducting business, and enforces owner, manager, and member expectations. Since oral agreements are subject to unlicensed change over time, many suggest a written contract.

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Is it Required in Ohio?

No. The State of Ohio has not drafted any current laws that require LLCs in this state to adopt an operating agreement. (Chapter 1706.08 Ohio Revised Limited Liability Company Act)

By Type (2)

State Definition

“Operating Agreement means the written, verbal, or recorded declarations of one or more LLC owners (or partners), managers, and members dictating the procedures and affairs of their company;

Chapter 1706.01 Ohio Revised Limited Liability Company Act