North Carolina LLC Operating Agreement

A North Carolina LLC operating agreement discusses the status, powers, and responsibilities of company managers, members, partners, and owners. This contract defines how it may be amended as well as how the company will operate.

Last updated January 28th, 2025

A North Carolina LLC operating agreement discusses the status, powers, and responsibilities of company managers, members, partners, and owners. This contract defines how it may be amended as well as how the company will operate.

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Is it Required in North Carolina?

No. North Carolina LLCs do not have to develop or execute an operating agreement to function, but adopting one often aids the company’s function and provides protection. (North Carolina Legislature § 57D-1-03)

By Type (2)

State Definition

“Operating agreement” means the set of guidelines and rules that company member, owners, and partners agree to in order to conduct business with their LLC;

NC Gen Stat § 57D-1-03 (2023)